Friday, January 9, 2009

Sheepish return to blog...

Okay, so apparently I'm not any better at keeping up a blog than I am at writing in a diary...oops. Good thing I don't have any serious blog followers, or they would have died of boredom waiting for me to post (or else given me a smackdown for not posting).

Anyway, so what's up in my life? Well, nothing, now. Jared & his family visited from Texas over the holidays, and that was a lot of fun, not to mention allowing me to get a desperately needed "kid fix". I think my favorite part was watching Isaac, who's turned from a precociously crawly 8-month-old into a precociously toddling 14-month-old, zip around my parents' house. I don't have any pix (as I have yet to join the digital camera age), so you'll just have to imagine it.

It's also snowed a lot over the past few weeks, and I am sick of it. (See my October rant about sharing the road with idiot drivers for details, in case you've forgotten just why I dislike snow so much. It's pretty, but too dangerous for the typical driver.) I'm ready for spring to show up, although that's unlikely for a while yet, as it's still January. Bummer...